Fall break in Asheville has begun!
Biscuit breakfast to start the day
Coloring, coloring & more coloring!
Let's get some of these coloring pages for our house!
We've arrived at the apple orchard!
Taking a snack break
Apple picking is tiring...thanks for the lift Mom!
Mmmm....these golden delicious are delicious
Ducks at the orchard...just when we thought this day couldn't get better!
Looking for treasures on a nature hike with Grandma Sherry
The bell is in case of a bear sighting. According to the boys (and the sounds of a ringing bell), there were A LOT of bears on the hike!
Playing a few holes before dinner
Bucket head
Can't get this chocolate croissant in fast enough...yum!
Is there a monkey on my back?
Lost in the hay maze
Super spiderman
More fun at the pumpkin patch
What a cute little pumpkin
A couple of good apples? Usually!
Picking out the perfect pumpkin
Check out the face of a little boy who has just chosen the PERFECT pumpkin!
Freedman family on fall break
Punkin pals
Check out that giant bug at the arboretum. Hope Nashville doesn't get invaded by these guys.
A lovely walk through the mums
We tried for a family photo, but there's so much to see here - couldn't sit still
Lego heads
We love nature hikes
Taking Mommy on a walk
Bye-Bye Martha Grace
Love you, Martha Grace
Bye-Bye, Grandma Sherry
Bye-Bye, Gramps
What a great trip to Asheville! Thanks for all the fun, Gramps & Grandma Sherry
Home from Asheville and to the zoo all in one day

Playdate at Baxter's school playground
Waiting patiently for Daddy to finish his doctor's appointment
Dude's weekend has officially begun!
First, a trip to the library
Lego exhibit at the library...cool!
All this fun with Daddy wore the little guy out
More pumpkin patch fun
These boys never saw a goat they didn't want to pet
Or a chicken
Here I come!
Mom should leave more often...Dude's weekend is the BEST!