Monday, November 28, 2016

Week 260: November 20 - November 26

Sunday at the Lego Store

Bye-Bye Ms. Amy, we'll miss you!

Love Bugs

Heading out for Thanksgiving in Rochester

Cooking with CeCe

Coloring with the gals

Catching Pokemon with Braden????

Is that snow?


Get this guy sign up for gymnastics already

Where's Baxter?

A little rusty, but this guy hasn't forgotten all his gymnastics moves

That smile with be gone shortly...who knew Benny was so scared of fire?

Dinner with the Freedman-sans.

Dancing with Uncle Brett

Some time at the gym before the big feast

Kings (and Queen) of the mountain

Rest time....

Playing with cousins is exhausting!



We're thankful for our family

Look at all these turkeys!

A morning battle

A trip to Bowlocity to celebrate this guys upcoming birthday


Baxter beat out all his cousins to win!

Laser tag time

Look what Uncle Brett won for Benny!

All that fun AND a turkey piñata?

Wait...who's birthday is it?

Thanks for all the awesome presents!

Happy early Birthday, Grandpa, Uncle Heath & Baxter!

Another trip to the gym to run off all that delicious food

Here comes Benny!

Rochester has a Chuck E Cheese, too?  AWESOME!

Watching some football with Daddy...go Buckeyes!

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