Sunday, September 15, 2024

Week 677: September 8 - September 14



Strip sack

Dining with Dave

Plymouth Place for dinner

Snuggle bugs

Back on the baseball field

Sprinting to the finish

Ready for adenoid surgery

Basketball season has started!

Handsome after haircuts

Andy's for everyone!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Week 676: September 1 - September 7


Friends playing football

Happy Birthday, Owen!
Halfy Birthday, Ryan!

More snacks

Practice time!

A little morning reading

Making lunch

First cross country meet

Smiling because the run in over!

Spending the day with Grandmas

Friday night lights!


Monday, September 2, 2024

Week 675: August 25 - August 31


Game day

This is 5th grade homework!



Bennett's in the bat business